Fear eats the soul

Premiere: 29.01.2022
Expedition Metropolis, Berlin

by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
on January 29, 2022
in Expedition Metropolis, Berlin.

Production by multicultural city e.V..
Because the topicality of labor migration is more present than ever.



Artists from Germany, USA, Hong Kong, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Spain and Poland deal with the topic of labor migration. The stage version of Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s film “Fear Eats The Soul” becomes the basis of the production. The German melodrama, which takes place in Munich, is about a liaison that resembles a scandal in 1970s Germany. She: over 60, widow of German origin. He: 20 years younger, Moroccan with broken German. Emmi and Ali.

Already before their wedding, the couple experiences great resentment from their own children, colleagues, vendors and neighbours: anger, hatred, slander.

The climax of the hostility experienced by the couple is a scene in the restaurant in which they both are not served by the waiter and instead are just stared at from all sides. A major nervous breakdown on Emmi’s part and a honeymoon later and the world seems to be a little bit back to normal. Their tormentors seem to be approaching the couple again – but more for selfish reasons. And then Ali is faced with an important decision that will decide his future with Emmi.

German everyday reality, permeated by prejudices against migrants, but also their laborious and slow dismantling – this is presented in the final project “Fit for the Stage. Fit for the Future II.” And by whom, if not by a group of migrant workers themselves?

Premiere on 29th January 2022 in Expedition Metropolis in Berlin: